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B04: Use TV instead of monitor

QUESTION: Can I use my TV set instead of buying a monitor? ANSWER: Some new TVs allow you to use them as a computer monitor, and some computer monitors allow you to watch TV on them. But keep in mind: Where is the TV is in relationship to you using it as a computer? Can […]

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B03: Test a computer before buying

QUESTION: Where can I test a computer before deciding to buy one? ANSWER: Your local library should offer free access to computers. If the computers at the library are very busy, there may be a sign-in sheet where you can reserve an appointment with the computer. Ask the librarian if they offer any computer classes. […]

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B02: What to do with old computer

QUESTION: What should I do with my old computer? ANSWER: "Old" is such a relative term when it comes to computers. Some people replace their computers every two years. It is a terrible waste to throw out any computer no matter its age. Not only can parts be recycled, but so much of the computer […]

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B01: How long computer lasts

QUESTION: How long will I keep my new computer? ANSWER: That is a hard question to answer. As a rule of thumb any new computer should do you for at least four years, if not more. My first computer lasted me seven years, but now I place greater demands on my computer and I buy […]

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A15: Running out of hard drive space

QUESTION: Is it possible that I will run out of space on my computer because of the songs in iTunes or my photographs? ANSWER: Music, video, and photos take up much more space on a computer than documents, so it is possible to run out of space on your computer if you have a large […]

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A14: When to upgrade software

QUESTION: I keep getting offers to upgrade the existing software on my computer. When and why should I upgrade my software? ANSWER: You don’t need to upgrade your software unless or until you want to. Manufacturers regularly make improvements on their existing software and offer upgrades to their customers. Some offer these upgrades for free. […]

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A13: Learning on mac and using a pc

QUESTION: If I learn on a Mac, will I be able to use a PC at some point? ANSWER: Sure. You can learn anything. Once you’re on the Internet there are very few differences between the two. There are, however, some differences with how things look on the screen otherwise and how to organize documents, […]

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A12: Computer and the air conditioner

QUESTION: Can I put my computer in front of my air conditioner? ANSWER: The real enemy of a computer is heat, not cold. My concern is the air blowing onto the computer. It would seem to me that you would be more apt to have unwanted particles get into your computer that way. I would […]

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A11: Cat sleeping on CPU

QUESTION: My cat loves to sleep on top of the CPU. Is that bad? ANSWER: Yes that’s bad! It isn’t good for your computer AND I doubt it is healthy for your cat. Set a large bowl on top of the CPU to dissuade the cat from curling up there. Just don’t put anything liquid […]

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A10: Tips for minimizing back pain

QUESTION: What are some tips for back and other pain from using a computer? ANSWER: The best thing you can do is get up from the computer every 40 minutes. Walk around and stretch for 10 minutes before you sit down again. Be very aware of your posture as well.

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