If you want to know more about social networking, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn watch the video of my talk “What the F is Facebook?” hosted at the fantastic Senior Planet Exploration Center. Be sure to pass the video link on to those who are hesitant about social networking. Not to convince them to join, but […]
Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr…After awhile these crazy words enter our vocabulary, sometimes without our even understanding what they are. Blog by blog you and I will walk through each of these websites, discuss what they might offer you, and how they work.
About a month ago, a friend decided to host a dinner party. She was inspired by the downturn in the economy and the reality that some friends were at risk of losing their jobs. Her idea was to get together a handful of smart, creative, hardworking people, most of who didn’t know each other, and see if any connections could be made. By the end of the night cell numbers and e-mail addresses were exchanged.
I know you think I’ve diverted from topic, but I haven’t…
I’ll be presenting a mini-series of four lectures on computer-related topics at the centrally-located Mid-Manhattan Library March 21st and 23rd. The first session, for the absolute beginner, will answer the questions: Why would I use a computer? What good would it do? How I can keep my identity – and my bank accounts – safe […]
The Women’s National Book Association hosted a discussion about Book Marketing Online this evening. I was honored to be a member of the panel with a great group of bloggers, publishers, publicists, online marketers, and all around publishing gurus. As promised to the participants, I compiled a list of web links on the subject. Thought […]