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F03: Access computer without permission

QUESTION: How will I know if someone has accessed my computer without my permission? ANSWER: Unfortunately, you won’t. It will only be after they have used that information (e.g., shopped with your credit card) that you will know. Unless they are stupid enough to change settings on your computer so it will appear different to […]

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F02: Laptop desktop must connect wirelessly

QUESTION: I use a laptop computer, not a desktop. Do I need to connect wirelessly? ANSWER: No. You can connect to the Internet using an Ethernet cable, as you would with most desktops. (An Ethernet cable looks like a phone cable, but the cable itself is a bit fatter and the end you plug into […]

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F01: is internet safe

QUESTION: Is the Internet safe? ANSWER: Yes. It is as safe as any other place you visit in the “real” world. You just have to use the same precautions and common sense when you’re visiting the Internet as you would traveling someplace you’ve never been before.

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E16: Attaches cross platform mac pc

QUESTION: If I have PC and my daughter has a Mac, can I still send her attachments? ANSWER: Yes. It isn’t the kind of computer you have that matters with attachments. What matters is if you have the necessary software on your computer for your daughter to be able to open the attachment on her […]

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E14: Who’s behind the email

QUESTION: How do I know that the person sending an e-mail is who they say they are? ANSWER: You don’t. It’s the same as someone calling you on the phone who says they are “Bill Smith” when they are really “John Doe.” You must be cautious, as you are in any situation in life, with […]

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E13: Saving emails

QUESTION: How do I save an e-mail I want to keep? ANSWER: Some e-mail services will store your e-mails permanently; others may only store them for as little as a month. Be aware that the service’s policy may change and you might not be notified. Some e-mail services offer a way to set up a […]

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E12: Preventing junk email

QUESTION: I don’t want to receive junk e-mail. How can I prevent it from clogging my inbox? ANSWER: Unfortunately, it is as difficult to limit junk mail in your e-mail inbox as it is to limit junk mail in your “snail mail” box. But, here is a suggestion: I have two e-mail addresses. I give […]

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E11: Speed email is sent

QUESTION: How fast does an e-mail get sent? ANSWER: This can vary depending on the sender and recipient’s e-mail service, but generally it is instantaneous regardless of where you are on the globe. Distance as we know it in miles is not valid on the Internet. It is all about speed of transmission.

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E10: Email address directory

QUESTION: Is there a directory where I can find someone’s e-mail address? ANSWER: At present there is no definitive directory of e-mail addresses. I have tried several websites that offer to search for e-mail addresses, but I have yet to find a site that can find me.

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