QUESTION: Is there a definitive website to visit for research? ANSWER: Along with the search engines we’ve discussed in the chapter, my favorite research site is My mother found the site when I was working on this book. The site is so jam-packed with information that you have to take it in small bites […]
QUESTION: Is there a website where I can find someone’s cell phone number or e-mail address? ANSWER: At the moment the answer is no. Tracking e-mail addresses is particularly difficult because people register new addresses every day, and they do not always use their real names to do so. I’m not sure why there isn’t […]
QUESTION: What if a website takes forever to open? ANSWER: If website is just taking too long to open you can abort the mission by clicking on the stop icon in the tool bar . This instructs the website to stop loading, but you will remain connected to that site.
QUESTION: Why does it take so long for some websites to open? ANSWER: There are several factors that play a role in how long it takes a website to open. First of all, there is your connection. The slowest connection to the Internet is a dial-up phone line. The fastest are cable, DSL or T1 […]
QUESTION: Sometimes when a website is opening another smaller window opens on top of it. How do I get rid of that window? ANSWER: That top window is usually an advertiser making a special offer. Look at the title bar (at the top of the window) and simply click on the close box of the […]
QUESTION: How do I get from the website a link took me to back to the original website I was on? ANSWER: The first thing to try is the back arrow. If that doesn’t work you may have to re-access the original website by retyping the web address in the address text box at the […]
QUESTION: Why does my mouse arrow change to a hand when I’m on the Internet? ANSWER: When you move the mouse arrow onto a link the mouse becomes a hand. It is a website’s way of saying “Hey, notice me! Click here!”
QUESTION: I have trouble reading some of the text when I’m on the Internet. Can I increase the size of text on the web? ANSWER: Each website is designed slightly differently and some fail to take into consideration ease of viewing—especially for those that wear bifocals or have cataracts. Here’s how you can increase the […]
QUESTION: What does http:// stand for? ANSWER: Hypertext transfer protocol. UGH! It used to be that you had to type http:// before the wwws in a website address. It used to be such a pain to type—thank goodness that is no longer true. Don’t be surprised, however, if http:// is in the website address box […]
QUESTION: Do I always need to type “www.” before a web address? ANSWER: Not necessarily. Some websites require that you do and others don’t. If you don’t type www. and the website doesn’t open, try it again with the w’s.