You don’t need to be a neatnik for the sake of your buddy, the computer. It couldn’t care less whether you can find the documents you “penned.” Nor does it have any investment in whether your photographs are organized in a folder or if they live higgledy-piggledy all over your machine. You are the sole […]
I had a great time speaking with Jerry Penacoli on DayTime Tampa when I was on tour in Florida last month. Here’s their write up and a video of the interview… Now updated and revised, the user-friendliest, most reassuring, jargon-free, smartest, and most comprehensive nuts-and-bolts guide for seniors, who are the fastest-growing demographic among social […]
I’ll be speaking in Florida from March 7th through March 21st. Take a look at my schedule and see if our paths can cross. If not you, maybe a digitally-challenged friend or family member could benefit by attending. March 7, 2016 – 12:30pm How to be Smart with Your Smartphone and Tablet – Friendship Center […]
For the last 20 years I’ve taught digital immigrants to conquer their fear of technology. I’ve also answered their questions, as best I could, about what device might be right for them and how to use the bugger. What I haven’t done is chase down the latest and greatest gadgets out there. You’d think I’d […]
Carey Holzman and I have been crossing paths or years. When at the 2015 APCUG Las Vegas Tech Conference last month he and I finally got a chance to sit down and chat. Here’s our interview detailing what’s new in the revised “Is This Thing On?” A Friendly Guide to Everything Digital for Newbies Technophobes […]
(As featured in 50Plus Seniors News – Redefining Age) Can you picture yourself sitting in your backyard watching the roses bloom while “surfing the net”? Or perhaps you’re traveling on a plane with your tablet tucked into your carry-on luggage. Maybe you’re even snuggled up all comfy in your bed answering emails. On the other […]
I’m presenting a four part series of talks at the Senior Planet Exploration Center (127 West 25th Street). It would be great to see you there. Please feel free to pass this email on to anyone else you think might be interested. Friday, March 20th @ 1:00pm “Is This Thing On?” Navigating the Digital World […]
There are unique obstacles to teaching technology to a generation that not only wasn’t born with a computer mouse in their hand, but clearly remember when telephones were rotary dial. As a “younger” baby boomer, the transition to computers came a lot easier for me than it did for my mother. But, if she is any example, anyone can learn to use a computer with gentle, patient, and creative guidance.
To me, September means back-to-school, even when school ended a few decades ago. I may not have changed, but times have. Back-to-school shopping now is more about gigabytes than penny loafers.
Do you feel like all this technology has you less in touch with your family? You’re not alone. Point by point you’re probably making MORE contact, but it could feel like the content of the communication is thin. In my interview, on CTStyle, I offer 5 suggestions of how to better stay in touch and have fun while doing it.
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